FIRE School of Ministry has partnered with three accredited universities, all of whom accept credits from FSM. This will help enable students to pursue further education after attending FIRE School of Ministry. (Please note that the specific details below are based on our previous program, we will update this information with the new program as soon as possible).

The King’s University

  • Students may transfer as many as 64 semester hours into The King’s University.
  • FSM graduates who enroll at the King’s University Gateway campus will qualify to apply for The Blessed Life Scholarship.

Ecclesia College

  • Students may transfer FSM credits into EC’s Associate of Biblical Studies, Bachelor of Christian Leadership, or Bachelor of Biblical Studies degrees (traditional or online) on a case-by-case basis.

Southern Evangelical Seminary

  • Students may transfer as many as 19 semester hours into SES’s Bachelor of Arts in Religious Studies program, if they graduate from the FSM two-year Associate in Practical Ministry degree.
  • Additional credits earned may be considered on a case-by-case basis.

FSM graduates have also had success transferring their credits to other schools on a case-by-case basis.

For additional information regarding these Articulation Agreements, including grade requirements and lists of included classes, please contact the FSM Office.